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Ridge Augmentation Chandler AZ

Happy, senior patient looking at his new smile in a mirror after ridge augmentation at Scholes Periodontics & Implants in Chandler, AZThe health of your jawbone will have profound effects on the health of your teeth and gums.

It will affect the success rate of restorative treatments such as dental implants.

If jaw bone loss is making it difficult to restore your teeth, our team can help.

We offer advanced bone restoration procedures, including dental ridge augmentation surgery.

What Is Ridge Augmentation?

Ridge augmentation surgery is a procedure utilized to strengthen and restore your alveolar ridge. This is the main benefit of ridge augmentation.

This ridge forms the base that the roots of your tooth are attached to and acts as an extension of your jawbone. This ridge will lose strength and density when teeth are missing. It is accomplished by grafting bone material to your ridge.

During a ridge augmentation procedure, our team will fill your empty sockets with bone-graft material.

The ridge augmentation material will fuse with your existing bone over time, thereby strengthening your jawbone and preventing bone loss.

If the procedure is completed after you are already missing teeth, it is referred to as dental ridge augmentation. If our team completes this procedure in conjunction with tooth extraction, then it is referred to as ridge preservation.

Our team can obtain bone material from several sources. We can utilize bone material that is harvested from a cadaver, which is referred to as an allograft.

Synthetic bone material can also be utilized to complete the ridge augmentation surgery.

When Is Ridge Augmentation Needed?

Ridge augmentation is necessary to strengthen and restore your jawbone. A strong jawbone is key to a successful dental implant procedure.

Another benefit of ridge augmentation is that it can also improve the aesthetics of your facial structure. Bone loss in your jaw can negatively affect the natural contours of your face and jawline.

Ridge augmentation must be completed as soon as possible to protect you from bone loss.

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 25% of the bone tissue in your alveolar ridge will be lost within 12 months of tooth loss. This number increases to roughly 50% within three years of bone loss.

Ridge augmentation will preserve your bone density and prevent this process from occurring.

Cheerful pretty older woman in elegant glasses sitting on cozy home couch at Scholes Periodontics & Implants in Chandler, AZ

How Long Is the Recovery?

Recovery time from the ridge augmentation surgery is relatively short. Most patients can return to work the day after this procedure and will only experience tenderness and sensitivity for a few days.

Our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to help you avoid unnecessary discomfort. This will include dietary guidelines and a list of foods to avoid while your mouth heals.

While the initial healing process is short, bone restoration will take much longer.

According to WebMD, it can take as little as a few months and as long as one year for the ridge augmentation materials to completely fuse with your alveolar ridge.

Our team can monitor the progress of the bone graft through the use of digital imaging.

If you have recently lost teeth, whether by extraction or through other means, you must take steps to preserve your bone density. Delaying this process can cost you time and money and can delay the restoration process.

If you think that you are a candidate for ridge augmentation, our team at Scholes Periodontics & Implants can help. You can reach us by calling us at (602) 900-1609.

When is Ridge Augmentation Surgery Performed?

The ridge augmentation procedure is generally performed after a tooth is extracted. It is a customary practice, especially if you are planning on getting an implant to replace your missing tooth.

Ridge augmentation is done to recreate the profile of the natural bone and gums that often become disfigured when a tooth is extracted or lost.

Though this procedure is not mandatory after the extraction of a tooth, it is often necessary if you are planning to get dental implants or want to preserve the aesthetic condition of your natural jawline and smile.

A ridge augmentation will help to reconstruct any bone loss so that the implantation process will be more successful.

If you suffer from tooth loss, have an upcoming extraction, or are interested in getting dental implants, you may want to learn more about ridge augmentation.

Our professionals at Scholes Periodontics & Implants are here to guide you through the process.

Ridge Augmentation Procedure

A dental ridge augmentation procedure will generally take place directly following a tooth extraction. This eliminates the need for you to come back for a second appointment.

Our professionals place bone grafting matter in the socket of the extracted tooth. The next step is to cover the socket with gum tissue and then secure it with stitches.

Our professionals may decide to utilize a product that will assist in recreating the natural width and height of the place where the tooth loss occurred.

This will generate an area where new bone will be able to grow successfully.

If you plan to get one or more dental implants, the affected regions of your mouth can be prepared for dental implantation once the ridge is properly healed.

Generally, the entire ridge augmentation process is done under local anesthesia.

Back view of male dentist pointing at tooth X-ray image on screen during consultation in modern dental clinic at Scholes Periodontics & Implants in Chandler, AZ

Recovery from Ridge Augmentation

We recommend that you avoid eating until after the anesthesia has worn off completely. This will keep you from accidentally biting yourself which can cause injury to your cheek, tongue, or lips.

You may experience some discomfort once the anesthesia has worn off. Our team will discuss a plan for keeping you comfortable after the procedure.

This may involve prescription antibiotics that will assist in reducing the chance of infection.

The sutures we place in the tooth socket will dissolve on their own within a week or two, so there will be no removal process by our staff.

Ridge Augmentation in Chandler, AZ

You may experience some tenderness and swelling in the days following the procedure, which is completely normal.

In general, most of our patients do well recovering from a ridge augmentation and have few complaints, often limited to the days immediately following the operation.

If you find the pain to be intolerable, please know that we are here to assist you and you should call us immediately with concerns.

A dental ridge augmentation is a commonly performed procedure that will help you to look and feel your best.

Whether you are considering ridge augmentation for dental implants, bone grafting for ridge augmentation, or re-establishing bone that has already melted away, ridge augmentation may be the best option.

It will allow you to continue to enjoy your smile while maintaining your oral health and functionality.

We can help you make the best treatment decision today. Call Scholes Periodontics & Implants at (602) 900-1609 to discuss ridge augmentation with our team.
Scholes Periodontics & Implants in Chandler, AZ
Scholes Periodontics & Implants
Dr. Scholes
595 N Dobson Rd B#34
Chandler, AZ 85224

O: (602) 900-1609
F: (480) 786-5694

Monday: 9AM–3PM
Tuesday: 7AM–4:30PM
Wednesday: 7AM–4PM
Thursday: 7AM–4PM
Friday: 7AM–1PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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Ridge Augmentation in Chandler, AZ | Scholes Periodontics
Expert ridge augmentation and dental implants in Chandler, AZ. Restore your smile with our advanced bone grafting techniques. Schedule a consultation today!
Scholes Periodontics and Implants, 595 N Dobson Rd #34
Chandler, AZ 85224 / (602) 900-1609 / / 2/16/2025 / Associated Words: Dental Implants Chandler AZ /