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A Deeper Look into Ridge Augmentations

Posted on 12/23/2021 by Janie Scholes
A Deeper Look into Ridge AugmentationsAfter tooth loss, your jaws can get deformed due to bone loss, leading to inadequate bone tissue. This loss of bone tissue causes the jaw to start deforming, leading to joint and muscular issues. A ridge augmentation is done to restore the natural jaw contours. After the bone loss, the dimensions of the jaw diminish, leading to deformity. A ridge augmentation procedure ensures that the original dimensions of the jaw are restored for more even contours.

Once your tooth gets extracted, an empty socket gets left behind. Our professional will perform a procedure known as socket preservation to maintain the integrity of the jaw. This procedure will also ensure your implants have the support they need to function optimally. When your jawbone becomes too narrow, implants will not fit properly after tooth extraction. Ridge augmentation is performed to create a wider base for the implant. The alveolar ridge gets split, and tenting screws are placed to provide support for the implant. This process is called ridge expansion.

How to Prepare For Your Ridge Augmentation Procedure

We recommend that you keep your gums and teeth at their cleanest and healthiest in preparation for any procedure. We also recommend that you inform us of any medication you might have recently taken. It is best to avoid alcohol or smoking in the days leading to the procedure.

What Happens During the Procedure

Immediately after your tooth gets extracted, a bone graft gets placed in the tooth socket. Grafting should be done immediately after extraction as your bone tissues start diminishing immediately. The gum tissue then gets placed over the grafted bone and held in place using sutures. After your procedure, you will need to maintain sanitary and healthy teeth to help your jaws heal faster. You will also need to maintain a strict dental checkup routine. For more information on ridge augmentations, contact our offices.
Scholes Periodontics & Implants in Chandler, AZ
Scholes Periodontics & Implants
Dr. Scholes
595 N Dobson Rd B#34
Chandler, AZ 85224

O: (602) 900-1609
F: (480) 786-5694

Monday: 9AM–3PM
Tuesday: 7AM–4:30PM
Wednesday: 7AM–4PM
Thursday: 7AM–4PM
Friday: 7AM–1PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
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Scholes Periodontics and Implants, 595 N Dobson Rd #34
Chandler, AZ 85224; (602) 900-1609;; 9/10/2024; Page Keywords: Dental Implants Chandler AZ;